By Chris Jaques
Saint Mary’s Cathedral parish priest and Archdiocesan Vocations Director, Fr Jean-Noël Marie, bade farewell to St Mary’s Cathedral parishioners at the 11am Mass on January 5, having been appointed the new Vice-Rector of St Charles’ Seminary.
Fr Jean-Noël reminisced in the sacristy prior to Mass, and repeated during his homily, his recognition of the 10-year circle involved in the coming move.
As a layman, Fr Jean-Noël read regularly at the Cathedral and it was on April 8, 2004 that former Dean Mgr Thomas McDonald announced to the congregation that this was the last time Mr Marie would be reading before heading off that same day to the seminary to begin his training as a priest.
Fr Jean-Noël, who will continue as Vocations Director, told parishioners that the Archdiocese of Perth needs “good shepherds” who will “strengthen us and take us safely home”.
He was pleased to announce he would not be going alone to Guildford but would be taking one of the Cathedral’s long-term servers, Nicholas Diedler, who will commence his own studies to be a priest and may, in the future, end up back at the Cathedral, as he had done, Fr Jean-Noël said.
In the Cathedral bulletin, Fr Jean-Noël thanked parishioners “for their love and support and for adopting me as one of their own”.
The priest also acknowledged Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB, Mgr Michael Keating and Cathedral clergy and staff for their friendship and support during his four years at St Mary’s.
The respect and affection with which Fr Jean-Noël has been regarded have been evident at every Mass he has celebrated, with long queues of parishioners waiting to speak to him afterwards.
Parishioners Don and Lolita Hegarty commented, “we will miss him so much”, and Kath Jaques said he was “a most loving man”.
Adam Spashett, attending with fiancée Amy Thurkle who has been attending RCIA classes with Fr Jean-Noël, said he had learnt a lot from the priest and Amy described him as “very insightful”.
Fr Jean-Noël Marie will be replaced at St Mary’s Cathedral by Fr John Piumatti, who returns to Perth following extended study in Rome.