St Mary’s Cathedral parishioner Barbara Rudman has waited many years before she felt that she was ready to walk down the aisle.
Later on this month, Ms Rudman and her fiancé Bruce Walther will follow in her parents’ footsteps, 75 years after they walked down the aisle at the same church.
“I’ve always been happy in my life,” Ms Rudman told The Record.
“I’ve had warm loving friendships with mum and dad and I’ve had boyfriends but I’ve never really thought of committing to them and spending the rest of my life with them.”
Instead, Ms Rudman went to Our Ladies College, now Mercedes College, and then worked at Bairds, Myer and Hopkins Brothers for 23 years before retiring in 1999.
She now folds and delivers the local paper with her mother.
Over the years, Ms Rudman held on to her chastity and values the importance of waiting till marriage.
“A lot of girls would probably regret that they’ve had a lot of affairs and there’s no going back from that,” Ms Rudman said.
“Hold on to your chastity and wait. Just because so and so is doing something doesn’t mean you have to do what other people do. Stick to your beliefs.”
Ms Rudman feels young women today think they are missing out, but she cautions that love is not just sex but a deep feeling and respect for one other. It is best simply to trust in God.
“God has sent Bruce to me at the right time in my life,” Ms Rudman said. “God knows what is right and I am sorry for not trusting him. I was getting impatient.
“God will put you on the right track, all you need is faith.”
Barbara Rudman met Bruce Walther at the Corinthian Park Tennis Club. Mr Walther thought she looked like a nice woman and he eventually worked up the courage to ask her out to dinner.
They began seeing each other regularly at the tennis club and, when Ms Rudman went to Broome with her mother, she sent Mr Walther a postcard, cementing their relationship.
He asked her to marry him in July 2012 and Ms Rudman announced the marriage to her friends and family in late October.
Ms Rudman said to get married is to make a commitment and that it is better to be alone than to be with the wrong person.
“The main thing is love and understanding,” Ms Rudman said.
“Your husband should be your best friend, someone to share ups and downs with. Material things are not forever. Love is.”
Ms Rudman added she never felt like she had to commit to anyone until she met Bruce.
“[God’s] got a plan set out for everyone,” Ms Rudman said. “He gave me a little miracle. Each night we turn off the television and say a prayer together without fail before Bruce leaves,” Ms Rudman said.
“God works in mysterious ways. Without my faith I wouldn’t be as happy as I am now.”
The couple’s wedding will be celebrated by Mgr Michael Keating on January 29 at St Mary’s Cathedral.