The Helpers of God’s Precious Infants in Perth will no longer hold prayer vigils outside the Balcatta Women’s Clinic after it closed its doors as of July 1.
A clinic spokesperson said it closed for “personal reasons” and said they would not be relocating nor reopening again.
The clinic’s telephone service and website is referring patients requiring a termination of pregnancy to King Edward Memorial Hospital.
Helene Sawyer from the Helpers said although the reasons why the clinic has ceased operation are not being disclosed, it was a positive outcome for the pro-life cause.
“We believe that this closure is an answer to the prayers of many Christians who have remained faithful in praying for this to happen,” she said.
“It is a positive outcome for pro-lifers to have one less abortion clinic in business and gives them tremendous encouragement to continue their prayers and witnessing.”
There are still two major clinics operating in Midland and Rivervale.
The Helpers had been praying outside the Balcatta clinic every Friday since 2003, and Mrs Sawyer said it was possible the doctor had been slowly converted.
“[She] may be finding it difficult to continue to justify abortions in the name of helping women,” she said.
“This doctor has, over the years, shown concern for her patients and counselled some against abortion, even assisting them in finding appropriate pro-life help.”
On average, about 8,000 abortions are performed in WA each year.