Notre Dame to host Indigneous forum

19 Apr 2011

By The Record

ABORIGINAL politicians and healthcare experts will gather at the University of Notre Dame Australia at 6pm on 2 May to discuss how to increase the participation of Indigenous people in the health sector.

WA Federal and State MPs Ken Wyatt MHR and his nephew Ben Wyatt MLA will join Jenni Collard, Director of the WA Department of Health’s Office of Aboriginal Health and Kevin Cox, Director of WA country Health Service’s Aboriginal Health Unit, at UNDA’s Big Ideas evening at the Fremantle Campus’ Tannock Hall of Education Lecture Theatre at 6pm.
The event is co-hosted by UNDA’s Social Justice programme in the School of Arts and Science and Indigenous Health in the School of Medicine.
Ken Wyatt, the first Indigenous person elected to the Australian House of Representatives, is the Liberal Member for Hasluck and a member of the Order of Australia for service to Aboriginal Health. He was born at Roelands Mission farm near Bunbury, a former home for young Indigenous children removed from their families.
Ken, who grew up in Corrigin, was formerly the director of WA’s Office of Aboriginal Health prior to being elected in March.
His mother, Mona, was one of the “Stolen Generations” of Aboriginal children removed from their parents and relocated to Roelands.
Jenni Collard has worked in various State Government Agencies of WA for the past 25 years.
Kevin Cox has worked in Aboriginal health service planning and delivery in Aboriginal community controlled health, private and State health organisations over the past 32 years.