Secular Franciscans seek youth market

13 Apr 2011

By The Record

By Anthony Barich
THE Secular Franciscan Order has reshuffled its leadership with an eye to promoting itself to the younger generation.

St Francis of Assisi

Anthony Porrins, the most recently professed member of the Third Order of St Francis on 17 September, was appointed secretary of the regional council on 13 March at the Edel Quinn Centre in East Perth. He is 39. Most other members are over 50.
Mr Porrins, a marketing officer for a Kelmscott roof restoration company, said there is a “whole potential group” out there of young people who could be attracted to the charism.
St Francis has much to offer today’s youth, he said, as the 13th century saint was a reformer, and “youth are always keen to find new ways of doing things”. The difference was that Francis sought reform of the Church not through seeking power but through humility, in imitation of Christ.
“St Francis had a youthful spirit, and most of the early Franciscans who joined his Order were young,” Mr Porrins said.
He stressed, however, that discerning to join the Secular Franciscans is a calling from God – “God has to do something with you being there,” he said.
“It’s an attraction, a pull. You join because you want to share in the mission of the Franciscan family.”
St Francis founded the Third Order in 1221 as the Brothers and Sisters of Penance, known as tertiaries, as a middle state for those who, due to marriage or other ties, are barred from entering the first two Orders for professed Religious.
There are currently about 40 active professed members and many others who are non-active due to retirement etc. Angela McQuire was appointed the regional council’s new Regional Minister after her husband Michael retired following many years of service.
Antoinette Frendo was appointed Vice Minister – a ceremonial role as one who officiates in the place of the regional minister if the latter is absent at meetings.
Anne-Marie Langdon was appointed Formator, responsible for ongoing formation for both people discerning to profess and for fully professed members, including organising reflection days twice a year, an annual retreat and time spent during monthly meetings in each fraternity which is spent discussing Franciscanism, an element of St Francis’ life or an element of his teaching.
Noel D’Souza, also one of the regional council’s younger members, was appointed treasurer.
As sectetary, Mr Porrins assists the regional minister in liaising with local, regional, national and international fraternities. He also organises the meetings.
The elections were chaired by the Secular Franciscans’ national minister Sandra Tilley from Sydney, and observed by Fr John Spiteri OFM Capuchin from Queensland, who is also the National Spiritual Assistant of the Order.
The day was concluded with Holy Mass offered by Fr Spiteri and concelebrated by Fr Michael Brown OFM who is Regional Spiritual Assistant for WA.
The Secular Franciscan life for the professed entails morning and afternoon praying of the Divine Office and monthly meetings with fraternity groups which consist of up to 15 people.
There are Secular Franciscan fraternities in Perth, Midland, Dardanup and Balcatta.