By Bridget Spinks
ARCHBISHOP Barry Hickey blessed the new parish centre at Mater Christi Parish at Yangebup on 20 November.
The facility, that will be shared by the parish and the parish school, contains an early learning centre that will operate three days a week; an auditorium that can hold up to 800 people and three meeting rooms, one formal and two informal.
The centre is available for parish use and and will be available for hire next year for functions such as wedding receptions and 21st celebrations. Two bookings are already pencilled in for next year, Yangebup parish priest Fr Bryan Rosling said.
The centre was funded by the Federal Government as part of the BER grant and built on land set aside by the parish for the community centre.
Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Sr Emmanuel Crocetti was also honoured on the day with a cake as part of a surprise celebration of her 20 years of pastoral service to the people and parish of Yangebup.
The parishioners gifted the Sister with an engraved monstrance from Spain.
l Thirty-six parishioners of Mater Christi Parish of Yangebup signed on to Perpetual Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at Christ the King church Beaconsfield over 13-14 November.
Fr Bryan Rosling hosted Glendalough parish priest Fr Doug Harris, who promotes adoration throughout the Archdiocese and around South-East Asia, to speak at each Mass at the parish over the two days. Ten people also signed up for Perpetual Adoration at Christ the King at the Basilica of St Patrick in Fremantle after speakers promoted it there last weekend.
Beaconsfield is the only parish church south of the river to have Perpetual Adoration – that is, 24 hours a day, seven days a week except Mass times.
A parishioner told The Record that this has been done in accordance with Pope John Paul II’s statement that smaller parishes should get together to have adoration as they may not be big enough to have it on their own.
Now in its eighth year, local parishes all support adoration at Christ the King. Over 300 hours per week are spent with Jesus in adoration.
The Blessed Sacrament sits in a monstrance on the main altar in the church most of the time.
If a baptism, wedding service etc is being conducted, adoration is moved to the little room just inside the main doorway, to the right hand side.
The normal entry to adoration is through the entrance porch on the left hand side of the church near the main altar.
For enquiries about adoration at Christ the King phone Joe on 9319 1169 or Yvonne on 9430 7509.