There have been some interesting surveys in Britain recently. They can be even more interesting when their findings are put together, such as these three sets of findings published within days of each other.
The first, from The Sunday Times on November 30, published under the heading, “Britain on top in casual sex league” claimed:
“British men and women are now the most promiscuous of any big western industrial nation, researchers have found …
“The researchers behind the study say high scores such as Britain’s may be linked to the way society is increasingly willing to accept sexual promiscuity among women as well as men. …
“Britain’s ranking was ascribed to factors such as the decline of religious scruples about extramarital sex, the growth of equal pay and equal rights for women and a highly sexualised popular culture.”
This does not surprise me. Pronounced features of British culture in the last few years has been hedonism, spiced with nihilism, of literally demented proportions. Meanwhile, under progressive and politically-correct influences government taxation policies appear to have been deliberately and strategically structured to destroy marriage and families.
At a speech in Brighton in April, 2008, Family Division judge Mr Justice Coleridge, on of the most senior Family Law judges, said: “In some areas of the country, even including the more urban parts of the sleepy west in which I operate, family life in the old sense no longer exists… I suggest the general collapse of ordinary family life, because of the breakdown of families, in this country is on a scale, depth and breadth which few of us could have imagined even a decade ago.”
In July, 2008, it was reported from the Office of National Statistics that married adults had become a minority for the first time since records began to be kept. In 1995 married couples had made up 56.2 per cent of the population.
This had declined to 50.3 per cent in 2005, and to less than 50 per cent in 2006. Shortly after this it was revealed that a majority of British babies were now born out of wedlock, though the number among immigrants remained a tiny minority.
This is the country where one member of the underclass thrust into media prominence explained that she referred to as, and regarded as, “twins” those of her children who had the same father.
The second survey suggested a vast increase in loneliness since even the 1970s. A report stated: “Analysis of official data shows that many more people live in isolated existences than in previous generations, as the old ties of family, work and community life are severed. Far more people live alone, are single and are more fearful of their communities than they were more than three decades ago.”
This sort of finding may perhaps be dismissed as “soft” – it is hard to know how loneliness is to be accurately measured. The third of our statistics, however, is rather more definite: more pensioners die of the cold in Britain than in any other country in Europe.
Official figures revealed 25,000 such deaths last winter. Pensioners in colder countries such as Finland, Austria or Denmark are more likely to stay healthy through the winter than Britons. Possibly they have families to care for them.
Home|Guy Crouchback: Britain self-destructing
Guy Crouchback: Britain self-destructing
21 Jan 2009