NINE different cultures represented at the Tyburn priory ensure that it is a vibrant, youthful community where consecrated Religious live lives of joy.
The Novitiate House for the Tyburn Nuns in Australia and Oceania was founded in 1956 at North Sydney.
After moving to Manly near Sydney’s North Head in 1962, the Priory again moved in 1986 to Riverstone in the Parramatta Diocese, near the Blue Mountains.
Here the monastic church was built and then consecrated in 1988.
The Mother Garnier Retreat House, in memory of the saintly Foundress of the Tyburn Nuns welcomes private retreatants and groups for day retreats.
There is also a shrine of the Patroness of Australia – Our Lady Help of Christians which is a centre of devotion and pilgrimage.
There are nine races represented in this vibrantly youthful community. The Benedictine Oblates of the Community are a rapidly growing group and they come from all over Australia.
The two outstanding spiritual qualities of this community are: Faith And Joy.
What is it to enter monastic life? How can one ever explain it to one’s mystified family and friends… some of whom really thought that people stopped doing that sort of thing in the Middle Ages.
For what it is but a turning away from the bright flickering lights of the world, a softening of its voice and music, a lessening of its tensions and demands – ‘dying’ to the world only so that one can reawaken to the greater reality, the unseen Truth that stands at the centre of human existence.
The radiant splendour of this Reality, God, is revealed to us through our participation in the Work of God.
With the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass at its centre, the choral celebration of the Liturgy of the Hours and Eucharistic Adoration, the Work of God moves us through sanctified time and the Liturgical Seasons, unfolding before our wondering, awe-filled gaze the deep Mysteries of our Faith, leading us to the first and highest expression of our vocation: our total consecration to the worship and praise of the Most Blessed Trinity, through and in union with the Eucharistic Heart of our Redeemer: Jesus, Love, Incarnate.
Glory be to God in the Highest! – before Him in prayer we bring the needs of humanity – to Him we belong.
Come and share our joy!
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