ybenedict? For Australia’s youth

04 Jun 2008

By The Record

Anthony Barich
A new website linking international pilgrims with Australian Catholics as they prepare for World Youth Day 2008 was launched on May 24 by Cardinal George Pell at an Hispanic party in Sydney.


The website, www.ybenedict.org, is an initiative of the Australian Catholic Students Association and is now publishing daily pilgrim-news in English and Spanish for the final 50 days till WYD 2008.
“I am pleased to launch YBenedict and I wish ACSA every success with this important initiative,” said Cardinal Pell in launching the site.
During the night, Cardinal Pell also starred in a short video commercial to promote Carnivale Christi 2008 – one of ACSA’s events to be held at Sydney University as part of the WYD Youth Festival.
YBenedict is a project of Towards 2008 – the national student and young adult campaign for WYD2008 – and is hosted by ACSA.
The ‘launch-party’ had an Hispanic theme celebrating the Spanish side of the website which will be translated by four Mexican girls who are in Sydney volunteering for WYD.
Bishop Anthony Fisher of Sydney, chief organiser of WYD08, said the website will serve a “vital purpose in the final 50 days till WYD2008”.
Anthony McCarthy, national coordinator of Towards 2008, said the website will allow pilgrims “from Sydney to Santiago, from South Australia to Spain” to follow all the developments in the lead up to WYD2008.
The launch party followed the ‘Activ8’ promotions on Saturday when young people promoted WYD in 50 locations across Sydney.
“I’d like to thank everyone for their efforts promoting WYD today – this is important work,” said Cardinal Pell in front of the 120 young people gathered for the launch.
“One of the young people tonight suggested to me that it was all about ‘bums on seats’ – I suggested that it was more about changing their hearts… the two concepts are not incompatible,” the Cardinal explained.
As part of a truly international night, the YBenedict launch also included Marian prayers sung in English and Mandarin following Pope Benedict’s personal call for the Universal Church to be united in prayer for the Church in China on May 24 – the Feast of Our Lady Help of Christians.
The night concluded with Latin Compline led by the WYD group Juventutem-Australia and overnight adoration was then held in St Peter’s Church next to the BXVI Pilgrim Centre.
“An overnight Adoration Vigil will now be held every weekend until WYD at St Peter’s Church,” said Mr McCarthy.
“The Adoration will serve as a prayerful countdown for the final eight weeks until WYD just as YBenedict will serve as a news-countdown for the final 50 days.”