The Bishops Commission for the Plenary Council announced the appointment of Ms Lana Turvey-Collins as the Plenary Council Facilitator, last week on 4 August. Photo: Supplied.
The Bishops Commission for the Plenary Council have last week announced the appointment of Ms Lana Turvey-Collins as the Plenary Council Facilitator.
Ms Turvey-Collins will work in partnership with members of the Formation Team of Catholic Mission, forming a Plenary Council Facilitation Team which will comprise Fr Noel Connolly SSC and Mr Peter Gates, Deputy National Director of Catholic Mission.
“We look forward to collaborating with leaders and their teams across the diverse ministries and works of the Catholic Church and all people in Catholic communities across Australia,” Ms Turvey-Collins said.
“Over the coming years, we hope to support local Churches to lead and facilitate authentic and open dialogue about how we are, and how we can be, a community of missionary disciples in Australia.
“Pope Francis’ writings, teaching and witness are inspiration for us, as he reminds us what Jesus in today’s society looks like,” she said.
Ms Turvey-Collins went on to say that the Plenary Council 2020 and the process of consultation and dialogue is an unprecedented opportunity for the Church in Australia.
“It’s an opportunity to engage with all Catholics in Australia – those who lead, those who work in Catholic organisations, those who may feel they don’t have a voice, those who feel they are outside the Church and those who show up every Sunday for Mass – a process inclusive of all.
“It’s about becoming the kind of Australian Catholic community which Pope Francis is calling us to be: “a community of communities…” (EG§28),” she said.
After considerable deliberation, the Bishops Commission for the Plenary Council made the decision to move away from the more typical Executive Secretary position, which had been previously advertised, and have instead appointed a Facilitator and engaged a Facilitation Team, with the aim of respond to the realities of preparing for and celebrating the Plenary Council.
With a wealth of experience in senior leadership, strategic planning, facilitation and stakeholder engagement, Ms Turvey-Collins has been seconded from Catholic Mission, where she has been leading the mission formation team and adult formation program.
She brings to this role a passion for God’s mission and believes there is great strength and wisdom in the diversity of the Australian Catholic community.
The Bishops Commission welcomes Lana Turvey-Collins to this new role and asks that you pray for her, the Facilitation Team and the Executive Committee as preparation for the Plenary Council 2020 gathers pace.