Obituary: Father Michael Casey remembered for humble spirit, unwavering commitment

05 Sep 2024

By The Record

Known for his prayerfulness and deep spirituality, Fr Michael had a profound sense of God’s presence in his life, and those around him could feel it too. Photo: The Record.

Former South Perth Parish Priest Fr Michael Casey was known for his devotion to his parishioners, his humble spirit, and his unwavering commitment to serving God’s people.

Fr Michael passed away on 29 September 2022, at the age of 97.

Born to John and Helena Casey on 6 August 1925, in Firies, County Kerry, Ireland, Michael was the fifth of 10 children.

After completing his education at Blackrock College in Dublin and pursuing a degree in Dairy Science at University College Cork, he felt the call to the priesthood.

He began his seminary studies at All Hallows College, Ireland, in June 1946 and was ordained on 21 June, 1954.

Shortly after his ordination, Fr Michael boarded the SS Orcades and sailed to Western Australia, arriving in Fremantle on 2 December 1954, beginning his ministry as Curate in Mosman Park and, after just 18 months, was appointed as Assistant Priest in Nedlands.

Former South Perth Parish Priest Fr Michael Casey was known for his devotion to his parishioners, his humble spirit, and his unwavering commitment to serving God’s people. Photo: Supplied.

His ten years in Nedlands included service at the Carmelite Monastery and Sunset Old Men’s Home.

In May 1966, Fr Michael was appointed Parish Priest of Merredin, where he oversaw the construction of a new church dedicated to Our Lady and a new presbytery. To fund the building of the church, he initiated the Catering Project, a creative and community-driven fundraising effort.

The project included fetes, raffles, and even schoolchildren selling two-cent icy poles to contribute to the construction fund. His dedication paid off, and St Mary’s Church was eventually opened debt-free, a testament to his leadership and the community’s collective efforts. The church was later dedicated by Bishop Eamon Casey.

Fr Michael was known for his frugal lifestyle, yet he was always generous when he saw a need. In Merredin, he set up a fund for the poor and provided overnight beds for travellers who had nowhere else to go. His kindness and compassion for those in need were central to his priesthood.

He had a great understanding of people and human nature, offering both practical and spiritual advice to those who sought his guidance.

In July 1979, Fr Michael was appointed Parish Priest of South Perth, serving at St Columba’s Church for more than three decades, guiding parish community with wisdom, humility, and love, becoming a cherished spiritual leader.

He worked hard to ensure that Masses and services ran smoothly, allowing the parishioners to focus on the real presence of Christ in the Mass.

Known for his prayerfulness and deep spirituality, Fr Michael had a profound sense of God’s presence in his life, and those around him could feel it too.

Fr Michael was a great reader and thinker throughout his life, delighting in discoveries that enriched his understanding of the Gospel and Church teachings. Photo: Supplied.

Fr Michael’s service extended beyond the parish as he took on various non-parochial duties, including his work with the WA Catholic Social Welfare Commission, membership in the Council of Priests, and contributions to the Retired Priests Accommodation Fund. He was also highly esteemed by Archbishop Goody, who appointed him as his Executor.

His long and faithful service was recognized in 2009 when he was awarded the Croce pro Ecclesia et Pontifice by Pope Benedict XVI.

Fr Michael’s family and friends affectionately knew him as “Uncle Micheál.”

Those who had the privilege of knowing him described him as “no-nonsense, straight as a die,” “extremely humble,” and “a man of great kindness and fun.”

Despite leaving his home in Ireland in 1954, he continued to maintain strong ties with his family and friends back home. His love for Ireland remained evident, and he often enjoyed a glass of Guinness during his visits.

Fr Michael Casey, front row, second from left, with fellow clergy at the annual retired clergy Mass in 2017. Photo: Jamie O’Brien.

Fr Michael was a great reader and thinker throughout his life, delighting in discoveries that enriched his understanding of the Gospel and Church teachings.

He was a great parish team builder who got things done. His practical nature ensured that no one’s time was wasted, and his focus and diligence as a Parish Priest helped him accomplish much for the Glory of God. He lived humbly, believing that simple bread and butter could be one of the best meals. His priesthood was dedicated to serving the Glory of God.

After his retirement in 2011, Fr Michael continued to be an active presence at Ryans Court and Margaret Hubery House, where he formed deep friendships with both residents and visitors.

His final years were marked by the love and care of his close friends, known affectionately as the “Three Musketeers” and their “D’Artagnan,” who ensured he was surrounded by love until his last breath.

Fr Michael Casey is deeply mourned by his family in Canada, as well as extended family in Ireland.

He is also remembered by his many close friends in Perth, his parish communities, and the clergy of the Archdiocese of Perth.

The Funeral Mass was celebrated at St Columba Catholic Church, South Perth, on 24 October 2022.

A memorial Mass was celebrated at St Mary’s Church, Meanus, Ireland, on 4 March 2023, followed by the burial of his ashes in Mt St Lawrence (Ext) Cemetery, Limerick.