Bringing participants into a deeper and more intimate relationship with God was the aim at the recent Flame Ministries 33rd Annual Congress.
The Congress, held 26 to 29 January at Mater Christi Community Centre, Yangebup, focused on the theme “Heart of Worship”, and included in-depth day teachings and workshops, evening rallies, and was this year directed towards the younger generation.
FMI Senior Director Cyrus D’Souza told The Record the Holy Spirit knows no boundaries, with people of all ages being present for the occasion, with everyone being encouraged to experience worship as ‘abiding in Christ.’
“All speakers made extensive use of scripture and catechism to explain how God calls us to seek, know and love him, and how our hearts can be transformed by a deeper and more intimate relationship with Him,” Mr D’Souza said.
Keynote speakers for the occasion, alongside FMI’s Senior Directors Kaye Rollings and Cyrus D’Souza included Catholic Youth Ministry Chaplain Fr Joseph Laundy and 24/7 Youth Ministry Director, Mario Borg.
Fr Joseph opened the Congress on Friday night by speaking about the heart as the centre of worship and the way God desires us to present ourselves to Him as an indication of true worship.
The first step, explained Fr Joseph, is having a heart that’s ready to worship God.
Drawing on scripture, particularly the verse of Romans 12:1, “I appeal to you therefore, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship,” Fr Josph explained we must be prepared to worship God with our body, mind, soul and spirit.
In his talk, Mr D’Souza explained that according to scripture, the heart is placed at the core of a human person, noting the connection to the biblical understanding of the ‘heart’ in modern terms, particularly in relation to our will, the intellect, and emotions, as described by modern psychologists to the ‘mind’.
Using scripture, Mr D’Souza described the heart as a place of Covenant where God has placed his Spirit as a pledge, he pointed out that it is in our choices that makes the heart a place of worship or desecration.
Referring to the mind as a battlefield, Mr D’Souza continued explaining passages of Ephesians 6, highlighting the Armour of God as the guard for the heart, the need to stand firm against the tactics of the devil, worshipping God in spirit and in truth.
Mrs Rollings spoke of how worship gives us the ability to move beyond ourselves into God’s
real presence, where we are stripped back to basics and nothing matters except Him.
When Jesus died, Mrs Rolling said, the temple curtain was torn from top to bottom, symbolising that Jesus had opened a way through the veil that had separated God and us.
“Through His death and resurrection, we have immediate access to the Holy of Holies, the place of deepest worship, where the Holy Spirit allows us to connect with God personally,” Mrs Rollings said.
She quoted Church leaders, particularly Pope Francis, who said, ‘The Holy Spirit makes of the disciples a new people and creates in disciples a new heart.’
She also drew on the scripture passage Ephesians 6: 10-17 and told the assembly how having faith in adversity, standing in courage and keeping our eyes solely on Jesus and not the world are all acts of worship.
All speakers, concluded Mr D’Souza, drew deeply on the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit in the presentation of their messages and workshops.
“The result was that all sessions connected seamlessly and speakers, without prior knowledge, often used the same scripture passages to emphasise what they were saying,” Mr D’Souza explained.
“The sense of the Holy Spirit’s presence was enhanced by Flame’s dedicated Music Ministry who ministered to the assembly in songs of praise and worship throughout the weekend,” he said.
“Those attending the Flame Congress have often commented how their lives have been enriched and even changed by the power of the Holy Spirit working through the weekend workshops and rallies.
“Among the many positive comments about this weekend, one lady said, ‘I now understand so much more about living my faith and God as my loving Father,” Mr D’Souza said.