PROJECT COMPASSION 2022 Week One: Anatercia given new lease of life through generosity

03 Mar 2022

By Contributor

Thanks to the generosity of Caritas Australia  Anatercia was able to receive essential school supplies and access to psychosocial supports through a local health committee. Video: Supplied.

Caritas Australia has announced the launch of Project Compassion 2022, its annual Lenten fundraising and awareness-raising appeal. 

For each of the six weeks of Lent, thousands of Australians come together in solidarity to help end poverty, promote justice and uphold dignity.  

Caritas Australia helps over 1.8 million people in Australia and overseas every year - walking hand-in-hand with those in crisis. The impacts of COVID-19 have already sent so many people into poverty and it continues to take its toll, even two years since its emergence. 

This year, Project Compassion is built around the theme of ‘For All Future Generations’, which is taken from ‘This is the sign of the covenant that I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for all future generations’ (Genesis 9:12).  

Twelve-year-old Anatercia is from a small village in southern Mozambique.

After her father passed away and her mother became incapacitated due to chronic health issues, her life became a daily struggle.

Anatercia in the Farm. Photo: Emidio Josine

She moved in with her elderly grandparents and began to take on more and more adult responsibilities.

Anatercia did most of the household chores and had to travel for hours every day to collect clean water.

Water scarcity also meant that harvests were poor and there was never enough to eat.   

Thanks to the generosity of our supporters, her grandmother participated in sustainable farming training, while Anatercia was able to receive essential school supplies and access to psychosocial supports through a local health committee.  

She can now attend her classes and easily access clean drinking water.

Anatercia in the school. Photo: Emidio Josine.

Meanwhile, community members are able to grow healthy crops all year round and get enough nutritious food to eat.   

Supporting Project Compassion is the way that Catholics can proclaim the faith that is in their hearts and help our brothers and sisters in need. 

During Lent, we are invited to take up the call to fast, pray and give alms – in solidarity as a global community.   

The impacts of the pandemic and the many crises that struck the world in 2021 mean that entire communities are in desperate need of your support – now, more than ever.  

Anatercia (12) carries corn next to her fields in Gaza province, Mozambique, July 2021. Photo: Emidio Josine/Caritas Australia/

Your gift will help uplift the most marginalised and vulnerable members of society.  

To donate to Project Compassion, visit Caritas Australia’s website:  or call 1800 024 413.  

This year, Caritas Australia is also encouraging supporters to run their own fundraising events. Learn more at